Thursday, 6 November 2008


I'm delighted to report that I have recently published the My DDR T-Shirt Reviews page.

If you've seen the film and would like to write a review simply go to - you don't have to join or register and you can write whatever you want - within reason, of course.

In gathering reviews, I'm hoping to gain an insight into what worked
with my film and what didn't. I also want to provide somewhere for prospective DVD buyers to read about my film from people other than me. After all, I'm not sure if I would buy a DVD from an amateur filmmaker.

Anyway, go on. Write a review and tell us what you think...

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Deine Geschicte...

It's taking a very long time but I'm still working on a My DDR T-Shirt trailer. I'm also going to post some short downloadable excerpts. In the meantime, I've been contacted by a Berlin-based project called Deine Geschichte (Your Memories, in English).

Their web-based project aims to gather information, personal accounts and memories of life in East Germany. They found out about My DDR T-Shirt and asked to post some clips on their site.

So, you can now view some very short clips from My DDR T-Shirt. Just visit the My DDR T-Shirt article page.

Please note, the whole site is in German, but the clips from the film are in English or subtitled in English.


Enough already!

I'm glad to report that my suspended eBay account has been reinstated - with an apology from eBay. However, eBay still refuse to answer some crucial questions and ignore my requests to re-set my 'failing' user status.

So, given that I fully expect further problems with eBay, I've decided to stop reporting these problems in my updates. They (eBay) seem to be staggeringly arrogant and infuriating but they make very boring updates.

From now on, if you'd like to buy my DVD (and I'd be very grateful if you did), simply visit the My DDR T-Shirt website and take a look at the shop page. If eBay sales are available you can find them there, if they're not just try one of the alternatives.
