Monday, 17 March 2008

Passing milestones

Woohoo! Last night, I sat down with my girlfriend and watched the first full edit of My DDR T-Shirt.

It's a rough cut with lots still to do. Even so, it's a hugely significant milestone with a great sense of relief, reward and achievement.
My DDR T-Shirt currently lasts 56 minutes and has stretched our resources, expertise and patience to the limit. To remind you, the last Hawkinsian Production was 13 minutes long and featured just one interviewee. It's a big deal for everyone down at Hawkinsian Productions and best of all, the film itself is looking pretty good.

You may get a sense of the celebratory mood here at the Institute but here are the next steps:

1. It is estimated that it'll take another month or two for the film to be properly finished. Soundtrack, credits, tweaks, re-edits will be required.

2. Hawkinsian staff have already started to contact interviewees for feedback. This is an important process, although we reserve editorial control we would never want to distort anyone's words. Asking for interviewee feedback is our way to check the balance of the project. Problems may occur if, in the three years it has taken to get to this stage, contact details of these interviewees have changed.

If you have been interviewed for My DDR T-Shirt and have changed your contact details, please let me know.

3. After that, who knows? Watch this space for updates and contact us if you have any questions.

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